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Authors & Poets

Author: S. Kelley Chambers

Mother of four rebellious and very strong willed teenagers, a spoiled rotten Pomeranian and a psychotic cat, S. Kelley Chambers leads you on a hilarious journey as she is determined to teach her adolescent young adults accountability for their actions and respect for authority. 


Using some of the most entertaining forms of creative and unconventional punishments, she will leave you in stitches as she battles the day-to-day confrontations of the "teen years."  

Local author, Kristin George captivates her audience as she takes them to the scene of a horrific murder in a picturesque suburban neighborhood that alters the destiny of the Banks family forever. When Craig Banks is found with a bloody knife weeping over his sister's lifeless body, the eyewitness account from his brother Chad makes for an open-and-shut case. Sitting on death row for first-degree murder, Craig loses everything he loves: his fiancée, his friends, his law career, and any chance at a future. Even if he did manage to be released, he would never be treated the same. Despite the overwhelmingly incriminating evidence against him, Craig's mother never misses a Sunday visit, and her faith in him allows him to continue his life, even if it is a life behind bars. When new revelations about the murder of Lizzie Banks surface, can forgiveness and unconditional love overcome the ultimate betrayal?   

This book, authored by Dr. Mary Adams is a great testament of being confident of why we do what we do and why we should do it all for the approval of Christ! Man's praise is contingent upon what is given in return or maybe even in advance, but God's rewards are everlasting!

The need for affirmation is inherent; however, some have an insatiable appetite for being validated or applauded by others. After spending countless hours and years trying to please/impress others, she learned that unfulfilled service and ungrateful people caused disappointment, insecurity and discouragement.

By allowing Christ to take the driver's seat, she began to experience an exhilarating ride of a lifetime. She hopes that through this book Christian leaders can choose to work diligently for the approval of God and not people.

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